Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Beginning

Hello. My name is Bill and I am a high school student in the Chicago area. For an English class and International Relations class assignment, I had to create a blog that had an overarching umbrella, or general theme, that I could use to discuss different topics relating ideas discussed in class. The umbrella that I selected was communication, and throughout the year, I will be exploring this idea from various perspectives such as political, social, literary, or international relations viewpoints.

With the world becoming more globalized, there is a greater need for countries to interact with each other, and the effectiveness and functionality of the relationship depends entirely on how each player expresses their interests. This idea can also be examined at a smaller level. Every country has citizens that are a part of it. What that country chooses to share, keep from it citizens and why they choose to share or keep that information secret merits exploration.

From the English lens, I can examine how various characters act towards one another. I find that the best books, movies, or television shows are all those which has taken the time to develop the characters and transform them into real people with unique and authentic personalities. The conflicts that arise because of these clashing personalities are often the result of a lapse in communication, and I would like to examine how that personifies itself.

Another interesting perspective is how we as a society communicate in the modern world. With technology advancing at such a rapid rate, and with the new inventions such as the Internet and cellular phones that have revolutionized interactions between individuals and businesses, communication has been forced to change as well.

I would say that the general encompassing question that I will explore on this blog is: How do we communicate in this modern world? I am excited to begin this intellectual journey, and I hope that you as readers will contribute to my journey by asking questions that intrigue you, and challenging my thoughts.