Monday, May 28, 2012

Final Post

(For some reason, the paragraphing is not working correctly. I apologize for that.) To all of my viewers, or lack there of, I am writing this final blog post to make sure that our signals don’t get crossed. While blogging this year has been enveloped in a different atmosphere than years prior, and has, in my opinion, improved my writing overall, I will not be continuing my roughly bimonthly posts. This year has given me the ability to explore an area, communication and how people communicate in the modern world, that interests me through a modern communication medium, blogging, that is supposed to allow easy communication and exchange of ideas on a global scale. However, I have unsuccessfully utilized blogging to its full potential because I don’t want people to read what I write, and am self-conscious about it. I have not popularized my blog like I should have to fully obtain the blogging experience, and as a result I have practically no followers, which is expected, and thus have no global perspectives or alternative ideas. My blog has no global communication. Ironically, my blog about communication has failed to communicate. My writing skills have improved, and I can more clearly articulate my ideas on a page as a result of blogging. I credit this to the nature of blogging and reading blogs because many people won’t take the time to figure out what you are saying and instead will stop reading as soon as they can’t follow the flow of the post. As a result, I have had to focus mainly on clarity, and I have forced myself to play the part of the reader, which I fail to do as frequently as I should. Out of pure practice, I have noticed that I need to completely rework some of my sentences less. In addition, I have begun to notice my writing style. I have a tendency to being sentences with propositional phrases and I frequently use interjectory phrase to elaborate on my ideas. Sometimes I use them too much and it can make my writing sound choppy. It is something that I will work on outside the realm of blogging. Thank you to all of my readers, if you even exist, for bearing with me for the last nine months. Now, to make sure that there are no mixed signals, I am going to end my senior year of blogging as direct and succinctly as I know. Bye.